Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Doctor Speak

Doctors are funny people, take our OB-GYN for example. At today's visit she was giving us the results of our ultrasound (from which we were not given any pictures to show off...what a jip!)and described them as "good".

Now I don't know about you, but when you're describing the health of a child growing inside of someone (especially my wife!), as far as I am concerned, "good" doesn't cut it. Good is a word you use to describe your mother-in-law's cooking, or a below average episode of Battle Star Galactica. When someone is describing my kid, I want them to use adjectives like: brilliant, great, super, stupendous...then I would know that my kid was really exceptional.

I guess we live in a society of relativism and subjectivity, so I can't expect someone to feel about this kid the same way I do, but is a little bit of a creative vocabulary too much to ask for?

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