Monday, November 28, 2011

Movember 29 & 30

This will be my last entry, considering the paper gets printed today (Nov. 29).

What have I learned over the course of this adventure?

Well, first of all, I still look nearly prepubescent without a beard. I have been getting ID'd everywhere, and I'm really, really old (I have two kids for Christ sake).

Second, that 'staches aren't so bad. They can be kinda cool if done right (I'm lookin' at you Tom Selleck, keep trying John Waters).

Thirdly, I really miss my beard. My round head appreciated the lengthening it gave me.

Would I do it again? For sure, but I think I would join the vast majority of people I've seen and cheat something fierce (by not starting clean shaven). Mo 's can be fun, but when it takes you 28 days to grow a decent one, Movember is just too short.

Movember 28

In the home stretch now.

If I'm perfectly honest, I'm a little disappointed by my mo. It's only in the past day or so that I've been able to do anything great with it (curling the tips).

There is a temptation to keep on growing it, but I I've a stronger temptation to grow the beard back, so I continue to live in my house.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movember 27

I was debating not shaving, giving the beard a head start on its way back, but decided that would be contrary to the spirit of Movember.

Instead I not only shaved, but waxed the Mo.

Much eye rolling and "seriously"'s came from the wife.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Movember 26

Someone commented the other day that my moustache had finally crossed the threshold from perv to dad.

I was shocked. I thought I crossed that line weeks ago.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Movember 25

Buy nothing day and I'm all out of moustache wax.

What is a dapper gentleman to do?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Movember 22, 23 & 24

It's getting close to the end, and I'm still undecided about what I'm going to do with the 'stache.

The beard is most deff coming back, but will I shave the mo, or let the ward grow in around it.

Decisions decisions.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Movember 21

I never realized how much I enjoy shaving until this month.

It's a rather satisfying process. I'm even impressed with the scum in the sink, and how easily it washes down the drain.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Movember 17, 18, 19 & 20

Lots of 'staches out there, but beware, many of them would be disqualified under the Movember rules.

The rules clearly stated that participants were to start Movember clean-shaven.

When I see a particularly nice moustache I'm always sure to ask "when did you start?" and the answer more often than not is "oh, I had a beard and just shaved everything but."


Makes a mockery of those of us who started with bare skin, and worked our way to being dapper gentleman.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Movember 16

Clean-shaven except for the 'stache.

I've been wondering about that axiom about hair only coming in darker and thicker after you shave.

Maybe this will be the best thing for my beard.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Movember 15

Moustaches everywhere. I have no idea whether people have real moustaches or if they are just celebrating Movember.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Movember 14

The moustache has become a part of me. It is no longer weird or strange.

My resolve is buoyed by F1 hotshot Jensen Button and his 'stache.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Movember 12 & 13

Spent yesterday with a fellow 'stache sporter. His soup-strainer put mine to shame, but in my defense he's been growing his for a year and a bit.


Can't wait till the end of the month, when this thing will be at its prime.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Movember 9, 10 & 11

Missed two days in a row.

Moustache is coming in nicely. Actually looks like something an adult would grow.

Can't wait till I can twirl the ends.

Anyone know where I can score some
Moustache wax?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Movember 8

I still catch my reflection and lament the loss of my beard. It's so easy to forget that as a beardo I stood out, and as one of the clean shaven I now blend in.

Well, almost.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Movember 7

Morning time in Winnipeg, and Movember 7 has brought with it a blanket of snow.

The moustache is taking over; I no longer think about it as something weird, and I'm not self conscious.

I've also started to notice all of the lovely 'staches around me.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Movember 5 & 6

Ack! I missed Saturday.

Full commitment yesterday. I went to a wedding with my new 'stache. Complements were lacking but once I told people why I looked like a stereotypical '70s biker their disgust morphed into slightly-less disgust.

Today I'm hoping to go to the country to be a bit of a redneck. Finally, somewhere where my bold upper-lip will be accepted and celebrated non-ironically.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Movember 4

Four days. Still have a moustache.

Trying to decide whether to start shaving the rest of the face.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Movember 3

My moustache is finally starting to come in. Thank crap.

Now I have three or four days of looking like _that kid_ from grade seven before I can show my face in public.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Movember 2

I look like a 16 year-old. My face is cold all the time. Why would anyone ever go beardless?

I miss you beard.

I'm also disturbed by how long my facial hair is taking to grow. I shaved yesterday at about 4 p.m. and I don't yet have 5:00 shadow.

Maybe I am 16?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Movember 1

Haven't been without a beard in more than a decade.

My face is furious for thrusting it into this cold bright world unprepared.

The wife has cancelled our date for later this month, stating that she only wants to be seen with an attractive person.

This is not the start I was hoping for.