I'm combining day's three, four and five because
A) I forgot to post something on sunday
B) This thing is a whole lot less dramatic than i thought it was going to be. So far we're about 96 hours into this adventure and I really have nothing to report.
Has my life gotten better? Worse? Is it the same. I really couldn't tell you, which is perhaps the most surprising result of this whole thing.
At this point, it appears that Facebook — the place where I interacted with the majority of my friends, and spent probably an hour of each day — really had no impact on my life what so ever.
Luckily — for the sake of moving this story on — multiple sources are reporting that
facebook has launched an iPad app. PCMag.com is reporting that it has moved the facebook game on, and added a new dimension to the social media site. I have to admit that the most temptation I have had came from my desire to try out this app.
Maybe Google+ will get off their butts and add a tablet app to their phone-based one.