Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Facebook-Free, day three, four & five

I'm combining day's three, four and five because

A) I forgot to post something on sunday


B) This thing is a whole lot less dramatic than i thought it was going to be. So far we're about 96 hours into this adventure and I really have nothing to report.

Has my life gotten better? Worse? Is it the same. I really couldn't tell you, which is perhaps the most surprising result of this whole thing.

At this point, it appears that Facebook — the place where I interacted with the majority of my friends, and spent probably an hour of each day — really had no impact on my life what so ever.

Luckily — for the sake of moving this story on — multiple sources are reporting that facebook has launched an iPad app. PCMag.com is reporting that it has moved the facebook game on, and added a new dimension to the social media site. I have to admit that the most temptation I have had came from my desire to try out this app.

Maybe Google+ will get off their butts and add a tablet app to their phone-based one.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Facebook-Free, day two

The missing of facebook I had anticipated hasn't come yet. more than 48 hours in and I'm not really feeling any desire to check on things.

Without discounting the possibility that the desire might come at some point, I have to wonder how much facebook actually mattered in my life.

Right now it's looking like the answer is "not a whole heck of a lot."

Friday, October 7, 2011

Facebook-free, day one

What is there on the Internet aside from Facebook?

After deleting my FB bookmarks I found myself staring at my computer, knowing that I wanted to do something, but no idea what. Normally at times like this I would see if my brother was on FB chat, or check some status updates. No longer.

I decided to take the dog to the park and run some errands instead. Much more productive.

Do I miss it yet? Not really. I feel kinda outta the loop in terms of what my friends kids are up to, but I'm not really too concerned, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

Bye Facebook

Of all the things I could have done in response to Steve Jobs' death, I never would have assumed leaving Facebook would be one of them.

It became very clear to me however, looking at my feed that Facebook had just become another source of argument in my life, so I've decided to leave it for 30 days and concentrate on twitter (@leiflarsen), Google+ and Blogger.

Gonna try daily entries about my Facebook-free life for the next 30 days, as my wife says: Morgan Spurlock style.